
Penny for a thought

It's six in the morning and I haven't slept yet. Just had my cup of coffee, and now I'm watching over my son – who is still asleep. I finally had the time to write my thoughts down.

• I really don't believe in the idea of Time. I think it's a trap for people to miss something, or to look forward for something. In my case, a trap to not do something because I still have 'time'. But look at me now: I have all the Time in the world, but at the same time, running out of it. I wish I did things before all of this happened. And also wish I could do / go back  to doing the things I'm passionate about when all of THIS is over.

• I wonder how do people who are not expressive nor clingy get by? How can they let a day pass without hugging the people they love? How can they stand not telling others they love them? But I'm also trying to figure out how I can still last this season not being with the people I love most. I hope everyone's feeling loved despite the distance.

• Let's talk about the big word: RESPECT. The dictionary defines this word as (n). - a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation, and (v). - to consider worthy of high regard. Oftentimes this word is misused not in terms of grammar but in action. Why do you respect others? It could be because they are worthy of respect–they built their names and reputation; they are elderly; they are wholesome. But if someone do not belong to the aforementioned, do they not deserve respect? Then there's the adjective form Respectful — a person who shows respect? To whom? What I'm really trying to say is that, do we really earn the Respect or do we give it? When earned, we have to work our ass out to be worthy of it; when given no matter who the other person is or what he has achieved, we respect them because that is the essence of humanity. People respect the CEO but are rude to the Janitor because they believe respect is earned. You respect people even if they are subject to scandals because it is your nature as a human. Everybody deserves to be respected, give them a chance to be worthy of your respect. And the rest is in your hands.

• I miss eating cookies and brownies from Sweet Delights by Charlotte. I miss drinking milktea (from mister tea cus they have better tasting tea comparable to Macau Imperial, only cheaper) , or my favourite Cold White Brew courtesy of Bo's Coffee.

• I miss my mom, our house, i miss doing laundry, i miss cooking, i miss the city.

• I really do not want to care but I have to say MOST of the Filipino NETizens are so fxxking stupid. Sometimes I wish I wasn't one of them but my love for my country is overpowering. People here are so selfish: they do not care what they can give for the country, they only care about what the country can give them–in that case, disappointments. But that's only because we all refuse to see the bigger picture. Everything is on the internet, but we only care about what comes in our way. We don't even take the TIME to go further and know the truth, or even just the other side of the story. The media only shares what they see when they arrive, not the whole story, and people are so quick in glorifying the news. Everyone becomes a freaking analyst. So many conspiracy theories, the flat earth is shookt. This #Voice given to us is not helping.

• Where the heck is love? Where is compassion? Where is kindness? We all have courage, but we have become rebels without a cause.

• I miss my dad. He could have been the mayor of our town. Except that he works in DepEd.

• I really hope the earth will heal. I hope your single-use masks and cutlery will not go to our oceans.

• Let's all be kind. Kind to animals, kind to the environment, kind to each other, and more kind to ourselves.

• Prove that you are not stupid. Abide the rules. Stay at home. Stop ranting. Start helping. Stop spreading fake news. Read, actually.

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